Today as I was perusing the vast internet, I noticed an interesting little website.  It was  On this site, you type in any word you want to.  The first the I tried, of course, was pizza.  The results were hugely in favor of pizza, and that is as it should be.  I next tried a simple search for “cars” and was surprised that people’s feeling were overall negative!  Other negative items included taxes, Facebook, and interestingly enough, soccer.  So I had to look up my favorite topic!  I first typed in bounce houses, before realizing the site wasn’t ready for plurals yet, and then searched “bounce house” to get this result.


So according to this, the internet is absolutely positive about the idea of a bounce house, and with only 0.2% dissent?  I feel like the overwhelming majority like bounce houses!  So have some fun with this little tool and maybe you’ll learn some interesting opinions like I did.